Monday, 16 September 2013

"I Quit!"

Have you seen someone post on Facebook or Linkedin something like, "I quit!"?

Personally, I have witnessed this many times over the years. They may not state it in so many words, but it is stated through their actions.

The last time I saw a post something like this, I decided to do some research on the person who was "quitting". It did not take long to discover that there was nothing on their Facebook to show what their business was. They didn't even have a "business page"! All I ever saw them post was silly stuff about friends and fluff. I had no idea what they did for a living!

So I took it to the next level. I checked Twitter. That was even worse, so I made a final attempt by checking LinkedIn. Guess what I found? I discovered what their business was! I could not help but reflect on all the times I have read their posts and all this time never knew what they did to "bring home the bacon". No wonder they were going out of business! They never asked for any! You know what? You get what you ask for, pure and simple.

Here are the 3 Massive Mistakes even smart business owners make that prevent them from reaching 6 figure incomes.

Number 3
Using Social Media without a plan.
They use social media without any rhyme or reason and hope someone will see them there and ask what they do. After a few months of non-focused sharing, and getting no business, they give up on social media.

Number 2
Failure to focus on one area and specialize to be different from their competition.
Many new business owners start with an idea that they think will make money for them, and they find out that they are not making the kind of money they need as fast as they need it to come in, so they give up, or add another thing to the mix. Remember that 70% of your potential clients in the marketplace need and want your product or service. Only the top 3% already are looking. The rest need to be educated. 

Number 1
Failure to ask for help.
Asking for help can be asking your connections and associates to help you spread the word about what you do, or collaborating with a business coach on some ideas to get you moving with your business. There are many ways we can ask for help. Know what? People want to help, all we need to do is ask.

Have you found yourself caught here in the treadmill of trying to build your business "flying by the seat of your plans"?  

Here's a secret that I have learned:
The best platform to use for your social media marketing is LinkedIn. Most people in small business do not know how valuable LinkedIn is to them and the prosperity of their business.

I decided to make a difference with my workshops and webinars. When you attend my LinkedIn events, you "get your hands dirty" by bringing your computer to class and working on the spot. We work together to help you get the very most out of your time spent in class. You make connections with the people you want to know and do business with in class, so you are not having to spend more of your valuable time outside class making your LinkedIn work for you. Then you can maintain your LinkedIn on 15-30 minutes, once or twice a day.  That’s it.

Book your seat: MM 101 Doing It Right the First Time, Up Close and Personal

Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress