Do you have a business that you are trying to promote
online and off?
What are you doing to promote your business?
Are you just posting on Facebook, which is where so many
people seem to choose to post things about their businesses these days.
Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat and Yelp are some other platforms of choice.
However, if you are choosing to post things about your
business on these platforms, why not also choose LinkedIn?
Virtually all these platforms are good tools for you to
use for marketing your business, but if you do not know how to use them to
their greatest advantage, then you may as well not waste your time and money.
It has taken me years to figure out some best practices
for using the different platforms online. Each platform is different and each
platform has its own pros and cons. Mostly pros.
Remember that LinkedIn is the professional platform,
Facebook is like the Backyard BBQ, Twitter is the coffee shop chatter,
Instagram and Snap Chat are the off shoots of Twitter. Yelp is business
recommendations and reviews that you invite your clients to take part in
letting the world know about how they feel about your business. To be brief.
Are you using all or most of these?
If so, great! If not...not so great!
We as human beings still need the contact with other
human beings. We are gregarious.
That is just how we are built. We need the
personal contact with each other.
So, here's the scoop. Go ahead and market online. Build
those relationships you need and want for business.
Remember that real business gets done face to face.
My story is very simple.
I have been working hard to build relationships with
people online. Then I invite them for coffee or a face to face of some sort,
depending on how close we are located to each other.
When I moved to a new area, I started to attend
networking meetings as well as utilizing my online marketing systems.
The first time I walked into a networking meeting, I met
a gal there who asked me for my business. I got a client right off the bat.
Mind you, this does not happen all the time, but very often it does, providing
you have been blogging and building relationships correctly online.
For instance, it took me 6 months to build enough trust
with a women's organization before I got my first client there.
The reason it took me so long is that most women are not
on LinkedIn and do not see any value in using it. However, once they saw some
value, they started flocking to me.
Now, I get most of my business through that very women's
networking organization.
Personally, I attend a minimum of 6 networking meetings
every month, and often more.
Start visiting some networking groups in your area. You
can find many on MeetUp or your local Business Improvement Association (BIA),
and Chamber of Commerce.
I would love to hear more of your stories about your
networking experiences.
Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress