Friday, 6 November 2015

Accepting and Responding to New Connections - LinkedIn Tip #4

Many times when I am working with people helping them with LinkedIn, they are trepidatious about connecting with people on this platform. 

They are worried that if they do not have their "business running perfectly" they better not do anything on LinkedIn until they are where they think they should be.  Or they are worried that their boss will see that they are doing a side business.

Here's the shtick.

You can turn off all notifications while you are setting up your LinkedIn profile. In fact, I recommend that you turn them off, otherwise LinkedIn will be sending all your connections message after message about you and your profile. You can always turn notifications on later, when you are ready.

Here's another point.

It takes time to build up momentum on LinkedIn, and if you just get on there, set up your profile, and then sit there waiting for people to "ask you to dance", you will be waiting for a very long time! We need to be actively interacting with people on LinkedIn, in order to build the relationships we need and want for business. It all takes time and patience.

Tip #4
Head over to the little blank person icon with the plus sign beside it in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn platform and hover over it. A drop-down menu will appear, and you will see who is asking to connect with you. As you move your cursor down the menu, you will see "x" and "check mark" icons appear. You can click on the check mark to accept a connection.
Once you have accepted a connection, you can click on that contact immediately and then send them a message thanking them for joining your network and ask them what inspired them to join LinkedIn, or something that is copacetic with their profile.

It is important to acknowledge every person who reaches out to connect with you or accept your requests to connect. It is all about making that first great impression. You only have 3-8 seconds to do it online.

If you do not want to connect with someone, then click the "x".

It is all about being responsive and gracious. Treat connecting on LinkedIn the same way you would if you attended a live networking meeting.

Happy Connecting!

Next time we will discuss how to search through the members in the groups.

Christine Till

The Marketing Mentress

Twitter: @mktgmentress

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