Wednesday, 19 April 2017

LinkedIn Tip 90 - How do you add more sections to your file?

Is your LinkedIn profile missing some items you would like to have listed there?

Often I have clients who ask me why they need to enter their work experience and their education, etc. on their profile. When you are not bashful and "tell all" so to speak, you share some of who you are and people can relate to you much better.

LinkedIn is a professional platform, and people are there to do business. In order to do business, we all need to know, like and trust the people we are doing business with. Sharing some insights on our past work experience and education helps build this trust.

Just remember when you are entering your work experience and education that there are no gaps in your history. If there are gaps, then you will need to share your volunteer information and certifications that you may have been working on.

People will be able to piece together to see that there are no gaps in your history.

If you have been laid off, for certain periods of time, mention in your profile that you were volunteering for something. One computer programmer told me once that when he was laid off, he started a podcast show and invited corporate executives to be guests on his show every day. This process enabled him to eventually be offered a job, but it also filled the gap between his employment experiences.

People like to know that you did not just sit on the couch eating bon-bons between jobs.

So when you are looking to fill gaps in your profile, click on the blue drop-down menu to the top right side of your profile. You will find many options to choose from.

Do you have a LinkedIn question? Please ask me. I will write a blog about it so some others will also have some answers.

It is not all about me. It is about how many people I can help.

Make it a great day!

Christine Till

The Marketing Mentress

1 comment:

  1. Christine continues to share invaluable information for individuals looking to enhance their business . Self improvement and knowledge gained to make your Linked presence more visible and potential clients locate you. Rene Jaspar
