Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Do You Know Where Your Target Audience is?

Are you posting your pitches willy-nilly in every LinkedIn group you can find?

There are four LinkedIn groups that I help manage on LinkedIn. One of them is my own group, Marketing Enthusiasts. The other three are ConnectMe, Seattle Business Network, and Digital Consumer Marketing. We regularly receive posts from members to be approved and posted in the discussion threads of our groups.

Some of the posts are educational and informative. Many of them are just pitches asking us to buy their stuff or donate to their cause. I will approve the posts, even if there is a slight pitch in them, as long as they educate and inform us first.

People want to be educated and informed first, before they will buy from you.

I don't know about you, but when I receive pitch after pitch from my connections or friends online, LinkedIn or otherwise, I feel like I have been continually slapped in the face. They make me want to just delete the messages and avoid them altogether.

What really gets me is that many of them are pitching to me and I am not even in their target market, nor do I know anyone in my tribe that is in their target market. Do they not know how to use the groups on LinkedIn to target who they want to reach?

Inviting me to come to a run for Cancer in Wisconsin is far from where I am in Edmonton, Alberta.

Yes, I know it is not all about me. It is all about "them".

All they need to do is conduct a simple Boolean search for the groups of the people they want to target, and then connect with them. And yes, there is a way to connect with people without being connected to them even if you do not have Inmail.

Before you start pitching to every group possible on LinkedIn, check out our FREE webinar series:
Sign up today!
Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress



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