Thursday, 7 April 2016

LinkedIn Tip #25 - How to Remove a Connection on LinkedIn.

Is there someone who you feel is stalking you on your LinkedIn platform?

Often when I am speaking with groups about marketing online, I meet individuals who are concerned about being stalked by old boyfriends or x-spouses or old bosses. When this is happening to you, there are some very simple steps to take that will eliminate the challenge immediately.

Here is what to do.

Linkedin has made this very simple with their new platform.
1. Go to the person's profile that you wish to remove.
2. Click on the tiny arrow beside the blue 'send message' tab in the top part of their profile page.
3. A drop-down menu will appear.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of that menu list to 'Remove Connection' .
5. You can also choose 'Block or Report' which will also remove the connection.
6. Click the response you wish to use and you will not be bothered any longer by this person.

Now this works great for people that you are connected to. However, if you are not connected to them, and the perpetrator is following you without making the connection, you may not be able to use this simple method that I just mentioned.

When people are not connected to you, here is what to do.
1. Go to your setting menu located under the tiny icon of your headshot in the top right side of your profile page.
2. Scroll down to 'Privacy and Settings' in the drop-down menu.
3. In the first profile tab, scroll down to 'Manage people you are blocking'.
4. There is a list of frequently asked questions that will help you solve your challenge.

If you need more help, feel free to contact me and I will help point you in the right direction.

If you are new to this platform, or any online platforms, remember that you can always 'Block and Report' people.

For more tips and tricks with LinkedIn come to our complimentary webinar series, Sifting Through the Media Noise.  April 12th at 4pm Mountain Time.

Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress

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