Every day I am bombarded with pitches from my connections
on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
It seems that when we have an event coming up, that is
when we start to get online and tell the world. Come to my ...this...buy my
How does that make you feel?
I for one feel like I am being slapped in the face when I
continually receive pitches. I like to be educated and informed first. Why
should I come to your...this...or buy your...that...if I know nothing much
about you or your products and services?
Tell me about the challenges you solve with your
customers and how you were inspired to start your business. Answer some of my
questions that keep me awake at 2am.
You can always be assured that when you practice the
"Rule of 10 Posts" you will always be reaching out in the right way.
You can attach your link at the bottom of your posting
with a tiny invite to your free info session, or the like.
But please DO NOT pitch to us every time you post
something online!
That said, here is my 1 in 10 posts that is my pitch:
If you are looking for solutions to getting your LinkedIn
profile and marketing program up and running the right way, this is the webinar
for you. Prerequisite is to at least have your profile started on LinkedIn with
your headshot, name, headline, and resume'.
The first 10
people who sign up for my upcoming webinar, MM 101 Doing it Right the First Time Out, will receive a 60% discount!
June 14th Time: 7:00pm MDT
Grab your spot: https://mm101doingitright.eventbrite.ca
Till, The Marketing Mentress
Cell 780-904-9557
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