Monday, 11 July 2016

LinkedIn Tip #47 - Are Your Blogs Tooooo Long?

Are you wondering why your blogs are not being read more regularly?

You have great content; you put many hours into researching your subject. You read and re-read, and write and re-write. Finally you are ready to publish your literary accomplishment!

Then just before you click the button to finally publish your blog on Linkedin Pulse, you do one final pass, reading through your blog making sure all your "t's" are crossed and the  "i's" are dotted. You create and add that perfect picture.

Click! Away it goes into...cyberspace!

Now you wait and see who will read your stuff.

But who WILL read your stuff? -Or do you know who that is?

Are you watching your analytics? Can you tell how many people have actually read your material? Can you see if they just clicked on it and did not stay, or can you tell anything else about the people looking at your post? Oh! And the biggie; Are they sharing your material?

Your numbers are important! Did you know?

If you see that people are only looking at your posts, it means one of two things.

1. Your blog is too long and people just don't have time to read it.

2. You are targeting the wrong people.

Have you seen a great headline on a blog post and decided to read on? You click on "read more..." What happened? Did you find a proverbial "book"? Did you take one look and decide, "I don't have time for this!"?

We can get our point across with far less words than we think. (250-400 words)

LinkedIn has a great way to target your readership and gather analytics for your published blog posts. Check out "Who's Viewed Your Posts" under the "Profile" tab.

Struggling with your blogging? Wanna fix it?

Ask us how.

Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress

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