Friday, 13 October 2017

LI Tip #106 - How to View Profiles in Stealth Mode.

Have you noticed that when some people view your profile, all you can see is that someone from such and such company has viewed your profile? How do they do that?

Well there is a little trick you can use on your LinkedIn profile. And you can access it through your Privacy and Settings menu.

The reason you want to know who has viewed your profile is so you can get in touch with them to find out how you can help them. After all, your profile is like your store front for your business. You want people to come in and check you out. That is why you need to have a 'killer' profile set up.

But I digress.

The "Whose Viewed Your Profile" is key to you receiving clients and business. People are viewing your profile for a reason. They are looking for people who they can help or who can help them in business. Therefore, you want to know who has viewed your profile, so you can find out how you can help them.

However, sometimes, when a person who is your direct competition views your profile. You definitely want to check them out, but you do not necessarily want them to know who checked them out. That's when you want to use 'Stealth Mode', or "Anonymous LinkedIn Member".

Go to your Profile and Settings menu and click 'Privacy' at the top. In the ensuing menu below, search for "Profile Viewing Options".

Once in the viewing options, then you can choose one of three ways you can view people's profiles. If you do not want people to know who viewed their profile, then choose the bottom one, "Anonymous LinkedIn Member".

If you do not mind people knowing that someone from such and such company viewed their profile, then you may choose that one, but remember, they will see your company and if you are a sole proprietor, they will know it was you.

Happy LinkedIn profile viewing!

For more explicit coaching and guidance on how to get clients on LinkedIn, check out my packages at The Marketing Mentress.

Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress

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